Kayse Gehret
Body/Work : Careers in Massage Therapy
Whether you are a current massage therapy student, a seasoned practitioner, or an individual contemplating a career change, Body/Work: Careers in Massage Therapy will provide an expansive view into the world of a professional massage therapist.
In this insightful, remarkably readable guide you will learn how to determine if massage therapy is the right career for you, explore your education and training options, navigate the crucial time between graduating from massage school and secure your first job. You will also gain concise, real-world advice on how to market, promote and advertise your practice in a way that is both effective and cost-effective, establish a thriving, prosperous private practice, and acquire business basics exclusively tailored to the massage profession. The author - a sought-after professional massage therapist and bodyworker in the San Francisco Bay Area - will help you deal confidently with special cases, client challenges and develop the personal and professional skills that will take your practice from acceptable to exceptional.
Body/Work: Careers in Massage Therapy is a valuable companion to your massage school education, a practical blueprint for starting out in the profession and a trusted resource to assist you as you grow in your practice.
"Starting your career as a massage therapist just got easier! If there had been such a valuable handbook when I was starting out 17 years ago, I would have saved precious time and gained serious advantage over my competition. Kayse Gehret's informal, experienced voice is a great way to get across the information you need to be better in your new work. If this handy book isn't part of every beginning therapist's schoolbag, then those who do get it will be way ahead of the game. I had to laugh out loud many times as I read the book and recognized some silly thing I did years ago or how I could have handled a situation better if I'd known beforehand what to expect. This is a savvy, well-written, easy to implement manual with valuable insights and excellent direction to help you do the right thing the first time, saving you valuable months - even years - to become the best Massage Therapist you can be." - Leslie Z. Hollingsworth CMT & Proprietor of San Francisco Massage Supply
Format/pages: paperback / 156 pages
ISBN: 9780615330761
Publisher: Soulstice Media
Year: 2010