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atrinkta angliška ir lietuviška literatūra
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The Holocaust in Lithuania: 1941–1944

    Arūnas Bubnys

    The Holocaust in Lithuania: 1941–1944

Įprasta kaina €27,90

Compiled by Dr. Arūnas Bubnys„Holokaustas Lietuvoje 1941–1944 m.“ („The Holocaust in Lithuania: 1941–1944“) is a collection of articles that reveals various aspects of the history of the Holocaust in Lithuania in a concentrated manner. The book represents the work that has been done by many historians over the past dozen or so years on the subject of the Holocaust, and allows anyone interested in the subject to find the article they are looking for in a single publication.


Format/pages: hardback / 616 pages

ISBN: 9786098298031

Publisher: Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania

Year: 2020

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