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Oxford Handbook of General Practice

    Chantal Simon

    Oxford Handbook of General Practice

Įprasta kaina €48,00

Spauskite čia jei norėtumėte gauti žinią, kai vėl turėsime Oxford Handbook of General Practice.

The well-loved Oxford Handbook of General Practice is a lifeline for busy GPs, medical students, and healthcare professionals. With hands-on advice from experienced practitioners, this essential handbook covers the entire breadth and depth of general practice in small sections that can be located, read, and digested in seconds. Now in its fifth edition, the Handbook has been fully revised to reflect the major new developments shaping general practice today.

Fully updated with the latest guidelines and protocols, this edition offers even more full colour diagrams and tables, and colour-coded chapters on general practice (green), clinical topics (purple), and emergencies (red). Covering the whole of general practice from practice management to hands-on advice dealing with acute medical emergencies, this comprehensive, rapid-reference text will ensure that everything you need to know is only a fingertip away.

Format/pages: paperback / 1168 pages

ISBN: 9780198808183

Publisher: Oxford University press

Year: 2020

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