Erich Fromm
Man for Himself : An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics
Erich Fromm fought long and hard for the rights and freedoms of the individual. He also recognized that fundamental to this pursuit is the promotion of self-knowledge. In encouraging people to analyze their own behavior, Fromm identified the crucial link between psychology and ethics that underpins all our actions. Moreover, he saw in this a way out of the meaningless impasse which he regarded as the plight of the modern human race. The task that Fromm sets himself, therefore, in Man for Himself is no less than to identify "what man is, how he ought to live, and how the tremendous energies within man can be released and used productively." The resulting book is ample witness to Fromm's success. It makes for exciting, illuminating, even life-changing reading.
Format/pages: paperback / 224 pages
ISBN: 9780415307710
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2003