50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know

    Philip Wilkinson

    50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know

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Spauskite čia jei norėtumėte gauti žinią, kai vėl turėsime 50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know.

In a series of 50 accessible essays, Philip Wilkinson introduces architectural movements and styles throughout history, as well as describing some of the greatest architects' most important and representative works.

From the Pyramids of Giza to the Guggenheim, the classical orders of Vitruvius to the most recent contemporary trends today, 50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important architectural concepts in history.

Format/pages: paperback / 208 pages

ISBN: 9781529432206

Publisher: Greenfinch

Year: 2023

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