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atrinkta angliška ir lietuviška literatūra
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Indeterminate Inflorescence : Notes from a Poetry Class

    Lee Seong-Bok

    Indeterminate Inflorescence : Notes from a Poetry Class

Įprasta kaina €17,00

Spauskite čia jei norėtumėte gauti žinią, kai vėl turėsime Indeterminate Inflorescence : Notes from a Poetry Class.

'Kick against words like you would kick back on a swing. You've got to feel as if the soles of your feet are touching the sky.'

These 470 aphorisms, collected by his students, are evocative micropoems in their own right. Some express ideas at once familiar and breathtakingly new - truths we could sense but not put into words. Others unfurl fresh vistas and offer worlds to explore in their exciting and inspiring poetics.

Together, they offer an invigorating and original answer to the questions: How - and why - do we write at all? What does it mean to create? And how should we see the world?

Translated by Anton Hur 

Format/pages: hardback / 176 pages

ISBN: 9780241728154

Publisher: Allen Lane

Year: 2024

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